Ausstellung Vejen CACIB (DK) 16.06.2024

Auroranewfs Dirty Dancer

Katalognr: 627
Bewertung: SL1
Klasse: Baby Hündin
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: BIK, Best Baby
Bericht: 4 month old strong bone, excellent proprotion, typical head and expression, nice neck, very good body structure for the age, good front, excellent angulated behind and in front, beautiful sound movement for a puppy

Newettas Can´t Get You Out of My Head

Katalognr: 628
Bewertung: SL1
Klasse: Jüngsten
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: BIK, Best Puppy
Bericht: 7,5 month old good proportion of body, beautiful head and expression, good eye expression, nice neck and top line, could have a bit better caiiraged tail, good angulated in front, moves well for the age

Chateaunewfs Fresh of The Vine

Katalognr: 629
Bewertung: fehlt
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)

Newf-Dreams Sullivan

Katalognr: 630
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BHK, CERT-R, CACIB-Jgd
Bericht: 12 month old strong bone, good length of body, masculine head strong in skull, good eye shpe, nice strong neck well placed on the body, good body structure for his age, well set tail, good angulated in front moderate behind, still loose in the movement

Socathans Carpe Diem

Katalognr: 631
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Zwischen
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: almost 2 years old coul dbe a bit higher on legs, strong bone, good length of body, beautiful head, nice expression, very nice out line, well set and carriaged tail, well developed rib cage, well layed back shoulders, excellent front, excellent rear angulated, nice and sound movement

Newettas Kudos To Brown

Katalognr: 632
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: almost 4 years old a little bit low on legs, good length of the body, good head shape, correct ears, excellent top line, good forechest and front, well angulated behind, good side movement

Daybreakers Meaning of Life

Katalognr: 633
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BHK, CERT
Bericht: 2 years old strong bone, good length of body, masculine head with typical expression, very nice neck and top line, correct tail set nicely carried on the move, exellent developed rib cage, very good angulated, very easy and sounder movement

Traneborgens Jetblack Jesse

Katalognr: 634
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BHK, CACIB-R
Bericht: 4,5 years old well balanced body, strong masculine head with good expression in eye, very nice top line, good tail set excellent carriaged on the move, well placed shoulders, sufficent rear angulated, could have little more drive on the move

Schimos Highway 61 Revisited

Katalognr: 635
Bewertung: V3
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: 4 years old strong male, good length of the body, good head shape, deep set eye which destroy the expression, has enough neck, stong back, well developed rib cage, good angulated, could hae bit more drive on the move

Cannon Bears You´re Just Too Late

Katalognr: 636
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1. BHK, CACIB, BOS
Bericht: 3,5 years old very nice in type, good length of body, very nice head, strong in skull, nice strong neck well placed on the body, very nice out line, excellent body structure, excellent angulated, eye catching movement

Masterpiece de Anmalamual

Katalognr: 637
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, CACIB-Vet
Bericht: almost 9 years old quite compact in body, good head, good head good expression, coul dhave bit more neck, very good top line, sloop in croup, a little low set tail, well layed back shoulders, slighty steep upper arm, good movement for a veteran

Auroranewfs Boss

Katalognr: 638
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT-Vet
Bericht: 8 years old excellent length of body, strong bone, nice head with good expression, beautiful strong neck, good top line, good angulated in the front, sufficent rear angulated, very loose in front

Newettas Xcuse My Beauty

Katalognr: 639
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 4. BTK, CERT-R, CERT-Jgd, CACIB-Jgd
Bericht: 17 month old a bit low on legs, beautiful head with femininine expression, nice neck enough strong back, well set and carriaged tail, well developed rib cage for her age, well angulated, completly out of coat today, nice movement

Daybreakers Zoe of Dagmar

Katalognr: 640
Bewertung: fehlt
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)

Socathans Catch Me If You Can

Katalognr: 641
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Zwischen
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: almost 2 years old medium strong good length of body, out of coat today, good head shape with correct expression, nice strong neck well placed on the body, beautiful top line tail set and carriage, good body structure, very easy and sound movement

Mount Pearls Lucy

Katalognr: 642
Bewertung: vorzüglich
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Bericht: 7 years old in very good condition, good length of body, very good head with feminine expression, a bit too much lips, good neck and top line, good angulated in the front, a little open rear angulated, not in the best coat today, moves well for the age

Coolbears Kaya After Butler

Katalognr: 643
Bewertung: V3
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Bericht: 33 month old a bit low on legs, slightly long in loin, nice head shape with very strong stop, very good top line, a bit low set tail, well developed rib cage, good angulated in the front, moves very well

Ursulas Handpicked Flora

Katalognr: 644
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1. BTK, CERT, CACIB, BOB
Bericht: 6,5 years old very nice female, good proportion in body, nice head with feminine expression, beautiful strong neck well placed on the body, good body structure, nice forechest and front, excellent angulated behind, very typical and easy movement

Swe-Newfs Call Me Ruth

Katalognr: 645
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: 2 years old medium strong in size, good length of the body, good head shape with feminine expression, good eye shape, nice out line, a bit low set tail, well placed shoulders, well developed rib cage, slightly open rear angulated, good side movement

Cannon Bears One Time

Katalognr: 646
Bewertung: V4
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Bericht: almost 6 years strong bone, a little low on the legs, good feminine head, dark eye with good expression, could have bit strong back on the move, very well developed rib cage, good angulated behind, good side movement

Nandobears The Secret of Love

Katalognr: 647
Bewertung: V4
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: 4 years old strong bone, a little low on the legs, very good head shape, good eye shape, strong neck and could have bit more strongger back on the move, a bit long in loin, moderate angulated in front, a bit over angulated behind, could have better rear movement

Newettas Runa Raises The Bar

Katalognr: 648
Bewertung: V3
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: 2,5 years old could be a bit higher on legs, strong bone, lovely head with feminine expression, very nice neck, good top line, could have bit better carriage of the tail, well placed shoulder , good angulated behind, good side movement

Schimos Houston Whitney

Katalognr: 649
Bewertung: fehlt
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)

Cannon Bears With Lots of Champagne

Katalognr: 650
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3. BTK
Bericht: 3,5 years old good type, good proportion of the body, show typical feminine expression in the head, good top line, could have bit better layed back shoulder, deep and long rib cage, good angulated behind, could have bit better front movement

Auroranewfs Caress from Norway

Katalognr: 651
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, 2. BTK, CACIB-R
Bericht: 2,5 years old nice in type, super proportion of the body, strong bone, beautiful head and shape , could have a bit darker eye, good ears, beautiful lout line, excellent body structure, good angualted, eye catching movement

Newettas Highest Bet for Future

Katalognr: 652
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK
Bericht: 8,5 years old in very good condition, strong bone, good head strong skull coul dhave bit darker eye and shape, enough strong back, good front, good angulated behind, moves very well for her age, good coat quality

Ursulas Evergreen of Edenglen

Katalognr: 653
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Tino Pehar (HR)
Anwartschaft: CK, CACIB-Vet, BIK, Best Veteran
Bericht: 9 years old very nice in tyep in excellent condition for her age, feminine head very slightly stop, dark eye with a good shape, very nice neck and top line, correct tial set and carraige, well layed back shoulders, very sound movement for her age